What you'll find here

My photo
Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei-Muara, Brunei
Living my ways of what's best in a matter of fantasy and reality. Hoping to be free from all troubles and live the fullest without regrets. Keeping pace of every move I did. A mistake to not repeat, a luck to earn and receive; ways through life whether it's grave or not. Searching through answers to unattended questions, receiving ideas and comments to help improve and earn wisdom to pass to others. Anything else is just a matter of time. whether I have it or not depends the mood. Being lazy is one matter. Being tired is another. But at most, I like to take my time.

Fun Outside, Fun Inside

Yesterday, I had fun watching and be with my friends that day... and taking pictures ^^

Even though I can't play that day because my ankle isn't completely healed yet. But being there kinda doesn't make me feel bored. ^^

The people that are there are me, yanyan, G-han, Belle-chan and MJ. Mus came by a little later.

Even the number of people are not many, they played by joining in with another group of people. The game ended a bit earlier due to incoming bad weather. ;)

Another news, that same day, I had quite a bit of fun inside my home as well. Why? Because before I went home, I stopped by a video store and bought myself some English Karaoke DVDs.
A total of 70+ karaoke musics. Some classics and 90s. And since 8pm that night, non-stop singing! Hehehe~

Finished at 11pm+, before I finished the day, I ended up watching Mama Mia! Not really my kind of movie, but the comedy and some singing scenes made me watch it. Hehe... what a day!

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